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- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca. (NB) -- IBM has virtually guaranteed continued
- access to an operating system with windows and icons, no matter
- what the outcome of Apple's suit against Microsoft and Hewlett
- Packard over the visual tools, thanks to a deal it has just struck
- with Metaphor Computer Systems. Metaphor, started by two
- former Xerox executives credited with inventing the symbolic
- interface that later appeared on Apple's Macintosh, has been
- making software that uses a version of the original Xerox "Star"
- graphic interface and sells it with workstations to the package
- goods industry.
- IBM has purchased 10% of Metaphor, at a cost of $10 million,
- and will jointly develop software with Metaphor for use in IBM's
- PS/2 line.
- At first glance it looks as if the deal is in response to Apple's
- lawsuit but officials from both firms claim it's not -- Metaphor
- and IBM have been talking about a team effort since 1987, the
- press was told.
- IBM's partial buy-out of Metaphor has prompted two big questions
- in everyone's mind. How will this alliance effect Microsoft, which
- has been the only designer of IBM's graphic interface (Presentation
- Manager) for OS/2 machines, and how will it affect Apple's suit?
- Apple is not taking IBM nor Metaphor to court and for that reason
- it may be difficult for Apple to prove ownership of the windows
- and icons of its Macintosh interface.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CUPERTINO, Ca. (NB) -- Apple Computer reports earnings for the
- 1988 fiscal year topped $201 million, the highest ever recorded for
- the computer maker, and a figure 118% higher than this time last
- year. The news marks the third consecutive quarter that Apple has
- also recorded revenue increases of over 50%. Put another way,
- Apple is making twice as much money as it did this time last
- year.
- Del Yocam, Apple's chief operating officer, attributes the stellar
- results to not only an overwhelming demand for Macintoshes,
- which by some estimates is growing at a rate of 40% a year,
- but to its new credibility in the corporate arena. "Apple is
- succeeding in the business markets. Our customer base is
- broadening to include corporate, technical, and large systems
- users."
- Microsoft, meanwhile, earned $37.3 million, up nearly 100% over
- the same period last year when it earned just $19.1 million. This
- doubling of earnings is attributed to a 48% increase in
- international revenue, "notably strong due to increased product
- shipments and favorable exchange rates," according to a
- statement from Microsoft President John Shirley.
- One thing the fiscal results prove -- both firms clearly have more than
- enough money to pay the lawyers in their current "look and
- feel" battle over the Macintosh screen display.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CUPERTINO, Ca. (NB) -- MACWEEK magazine reports that Apple is
- preparing to introduce a Motorola 68030-based, floor-standing,
- multiuser Macintosh in October or November, but Apple is
- denying the report. Referred to as the Apple IIx, it reportedly
- has connections for six terminals, will include ROM-based Ethernet
- support, an internal 500 megabyte WORM drive and an optional
- CD-ROM drive. Apple Computer's CEO John Sculley has repeatedly
- stated that no new computer introductions will occur in 1988, a
- statement being echoed again by an Apple Computer spokeswoman.
- What is clear is that a 68030-based system will require a rewrite
- of the Macintosh operating system to accommodate the
- additional memory and processing power of Motorola's high-end
- chip. That fact has led many to speculate that we indeed will
- not see the IIx before 1989.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CUPERTINO, Ca. (NB) -- Apple is preparing to launch a new online service
- for Apple II and Macintosh owners which will compete with such
- major information utilities as CompuServe and The Source. The
- service, called ConsumerLink, according to MACWEEK magazine, will
- be launched in May or June and will offer electronic mail, online
- technical forums, the Grolier's Academic Encyclopedia, online
- travel and financial information. An Apple spokeswoman told NEWSBYTES
- she could not comment on the report.
- The service will reportedly offer Apple computer owners a unique
- graphic interface, thanks to special software that must be used to
- access the system.
- The online service is said to originate from Vienna, Virginia from
- Quantum Computer Services, the same firm which is operating
- the QuantumLink network for Commodore computer owners.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- SOLANA BEACH, Ca. (NB) -- Kaypro, which publicly announced its
- intention to be the first on the block with a PS/2 compatible machine,
- has been left in the dust by Dell Computer and Tandy in this
- arena. Further, Kaypro admits there will be no Micro Channel-
- compatible machine until at least the third quarter of '88 due to
- a shortage of chips sets.
- David Kay, Kaypro president, was quoted as saying, "The chip
- makers are late with engineering wrap-ups and things are not
- moving as rapidly as we had hoped." Reports indicate the six-
- man development team on the code-named "Spear" project
- may not even have a unit ready for show at Spring Comdex in
- early May.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- SAN JOSE, Ca. (NB) -- Businessland has announced that it will carry the
- full line of Wyse personal computers, terminals, and a selected
- monitors following the signing of a two year, multimillion dollar
- contract. "This agreement solidifies Qyse's position as the
- fourth major PC line available in our stores," says Businessland
- CEO David Norman. The availability of virtually all of Wyse's
- products in the 93-store chain is yet another boost for the San
- Jose company. Its first coup was getting Businessland to label
- its 80286-based Wyse PC under the Businessland name in 1986.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- SAN FRANCISCO (NB) -- Three giants in the word processing arena
- are moving in fits and starts toward the Macintosh word processing
- market. WordPerfect, no sooner than it announced that WordPerfect
- for the Mac was shipping, had to recall 8,000 programs due to
- numerous bugs. The problems resulted from a "bad master" according
- to a WordPerfect spokesman.
- Then there's the Macintosh word processor coming from MicroPro,
- code-named Challenger. The product is being beta tested now in
- hopes of a promised June release. The word processor reportedly
- has several unique features, not the least of which is an ability to
- bind text to a curve.
- And finally, Ashton-Tate's FullWrite is taking its time in the firm's
- labs.....there's the small matter of numerous bugs that are causing
- longer than expected delays.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- SACRAMENTO, Ca. (NB) -- A bill to create the California Commission
- on the Information Age started its legislative journey on a positive
- note when it passed the Assemlby Utilities and Commerce
- Committee recently. It now goes on to the Ways and Means Committee.
- The bill establishes a $500,000, 16-member commission charged with
- identifying and investigating various "Information Age" issues,
- such as how to keep innovative information services alive, and how
- they can reach more Californians. If created, the Commission would
- begin its work in January 1989.
- The bill's hearing before the Assembly committee was accompanied
- by witnesses for Pacific Bell and AT&T who argued that the
- commission isn't needed since private firms are already doing its
- work. However, Assemblyman Richard Polanco responded, "but
- the issues we are discussing today transcend private interests.
- We need a public forum in which to discuss the full import of the
- information age."
- Support for the bill is still needed, and those with the pens and the
- will should write Assemblywoman Gwen Moore, the bill's sponsor,
- referring to AB 3487, at the State Capitol, PO Box 942849,
- Sacramento, Ca. 94249.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- ALDUS, Seattle, Wa., has shipped SnapShot, the firm's "electronic
- photography" software which enables a user to edit frames
- captured from any video or digital source. It runs under Microsoft
- Windows on an IBM PC AT or compatible or a PS/2 Model 30. The
- price is $495.
- AUTODESK, Sausalito, Ca., says its founder and board chairman John
- Walker has resigned from the board of directors to become a
- software developer within the company. "I want to devote time to
- product development," he says in a prepared statement. The ex-chief
- will most likely will help the Xanadu team as they race to meet a
- self-imposed deadline of 18 months to create their hypertext-based
- software.
- ELECTRONIC TEXT CORPORATION, Provo, Utah, has released four sets
- of diskettes packed with the collected works of William Shakespeare.
- At $99 per set or $299 for the poet's life's work, the series runs on
- IBM PCs with WordCruncher for text retrieval.
- EXPERIENCE IN SOFTWARE, Berkeley, Ca., has donated 50 copies of
- its Idea Generator software to the American Foundation for AIDS
- Research. The Idea Generator is used for problem solving and planning.
- The firm wants to donate its product to other good causes as
- part of its new "Make a Difference Where We Can" campaign. Contact
- Craig Settles at 415/644-0694.
- HITECH INTERNATIONAL, Milpitas, Ca., may have the cheapest 80386-
- based system on the market. Its 32-bit PC with 1 megabyte of RAM
- expandable to 10 Mb, four slots, and clock speeds from 4.77 to 20 Mhz,
- runs just $2,500.
- PC SIG, Sunnyvale, Ca., has published "Up and Running in 15 Minutes,"
- a guide to using 8 of the most popular shareware programs, PC File+,
- PC Calc+, PC Outline, PC Write, Procomm, the Galaxy word processor,
- Automenu and Powermenu. The book also offers discounts of up to
- $50 on shareware. $12.95 from PC SIG. Call 408-730-9291.
- SUPERMAC TECHNOLOGY, Mountain View, Ca., is reportedly up for
- sale by its owner Scientific Micro Systems. SuperMac is expected
- to report a "significant loss" when financial figures come out soon.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- FORT WORTH, TX (NB) -- Rumors of a Tandy CD machine were given
- more substance than dreamed possible in an April 21 press
- conference. Tandy announced a reusable optical disk technology
- with about 500 to 600 megabytes of capacity that can be used with
- existing CD and CD-ROM players. Tandy will license its
- technology, called THOR-CD, and Chairman John Roach expects
- products using it will come out over the next 18-24 months.
- Combined with reports that digital audio tape (DAT) players would
- also be coming to the U.S. market, this set off a flurry of
- concern in the music business, which fears that consumers will
- use the new technology to their detriment.
- The THOR-CD announcement overpowered the 5000 MC micro, the PS/2
- Model 80 clone computer with prices starting at $5,000, $2,000 less
- than a similarly configured IBM PS/2 model, which Tandy also
- introduced at its April 21 news conference. The standard model
- includes 2 megabytes of RAM, expandable to 16 megabytes, and five
- 0M6666666xzicro Channel-compatible slots. Unknown, at
- this time, is what Tandy will pay IBM to license its patents in
- making the 5000 MC (IBM could be getting as much as 5% off-the-
- top) and whether anything in it might be challenged by IBM
- lawyers in court. (Learning the answer to the first question will
- lead you to an answer of the second.) The new PC should ship in
- July, Tandy said.
- Ed Juge of Tandy read NEWSBYTES a statement on the patent issues
- which said, in part, "The new Tandy 5000 MC contains elements
- that may require licenses...we are not currently aware of any
- issued patent that applies except those which we're licensed to
- use." IBM and Tandy released a carefully worded joint-statement,
- saying in part, "The product announced today is covered by the
- existing patent licensing agreement with IBM. PS/2 patents
- covered in the future are not licensed and will be subject to
- negotiations." Juge summarized that Tandy expects no problems
- bringing the 5000 MC to market.
- CONTACT: Ed Juge, TANDY (817)390-3300
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MOUNT PROSPECT, IL (NB) -- Zenith calls them the first truly
- portable, battery-powered 80386 and 80286 PCs ever. And perhaps
- the most impressive feature of the new TurboSport 386 and the
- SuperSport are their black-on-white screens called Page White
- displays. The SuperSport is a powerful IBM AT-like laptop and
- the TurboSport has the more powerful 80386 chip also used in the IBM
- PS/2 Model 80. Both chips are made by Intel. Zenith also announced
- a cheaper machine based on the old Z-184 laptop with its 80C88
- (low power old-PC compatible) chip set.
- The TurboSport 386 display, a backlit fluorescent screen, seemed
- comparable in readability to some TVs. The machine, which weighs
- in at nearly 15 pounds, includes a 2400 baud Hayes modem and a
- detachable keyboard. Zenith estimates it can run 3 hours, even
- with a 40 megabyte hard disk. Fully loaded the machine will sell
- for about $8,500. The 80286-based SuperSport has a 12 pound
- weight, with the battery, and also includes hard disks of either
- 20 or 40 megabytes. The SuperSport with the slow chip, stripped,
- should cost about $2,400. All three machines can support
- expansion chassis, bigger keyboards, and TV-type monitors,
- so they can be the heart of a powerful desktop system which can be
- locked up at night.
- CONTACT: Glen Nelson, ZENITH, (312)699-4800
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CHICAGO, IL (NB) -- By concentrating on the most common
- commands through Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC)
- techniques, Motorola has created a new computer "brain," the 3-
- chip set 88000 series, which can run at up to 17 million
- instructions per second (MIPS). (That's a speed similar to the
- most modern mainframe, now adaptable to a desktop or even a
- laptop.) RISC chip sets like the 88000, along with the Sun SPARC
- or Intergraph CLIPPER chip, will run more complex modeling and
- simulation programs than ever before possible. All use the same
- operating system, Unix System V from AT&T. (Note -- MS-DOS runs
- only on the Intel 80x86 product line, and strict compatibles like
- the NEC V-Series.)
- Motorola, with $2.2 billion in 1987 revenues, becomes the largest
- chip maker to enter the RISC chip business. Pricing is considered
- "aggressive" by analysts at $2,100 for each 3-chip set needed in
- a total computer system. (A system will require one 88100 RISC
- chip, at $495, and two 88200 disk caching chips, at $795 each.) A
- battle is shaping up here among the 88000, the Sun SPARC, and new
- RISC chips from MIPS and AMD, but if they're all running the same
- operating system, the big winners will be users. The real battle,
- the ultimate battle, for the 1990s, is shaping up between
- Motorola and Intel, whose chips are used in the IBM line and PC
- clones. Motorola says its trump-card in the RISC chip wars is the
- 88200 disk caching chip. It claims this chip does the job of 50
- chips on other RISC sets, including Sun's, using a single piece
- of silicon.
- The coming-out party for the 88000 featured companies which will
- work to get the chips into use quickly, under the rubric 88open
- Consortium Ltd., a user's group. Among the members are Data
- General, cited by Motorola as already having developed a
- transaction processor with the chip. Other members of 88open,
- according to Motorola, are Encore, Northern Telecom, Tektronix,
- Convergent Technologies, and Stratus, along with smaller
- companies.
- CONTACT: MOTOROLA, Dan Rogers, (512)928-6000
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- AUSTIN, TX (NB) -- Dell Computer quietly beat Tandy to the punch
- by a few days with its PS/2 Model 60 and 80 compatible machines,
- the System 400 and System 500. Why quietly? Company officials
- hadn't figured a price, and apparently hadn't figured IBM's legal
- or financial attitudes toward its machines. "We don't expect a
- tremendous demand for" PS/2 clones with the Micro Channel bus
- right now, Chairman Michael Dell was quoted as saying.
- Chips + Technologies makes the clone chip-set used in
- the new Dell line, Phoenix Technologies makes the BIOS. Western
- Digital and Microsoft also endorsed the new machine as being a
- legitimate clone, not a copy.
- While Dell was the first to announce a PS/2 compatible, it will not
- be the first to ship. Tandy's expected to ship its PS/2 clones
- first.
- CONTACT: John Ellott, DELL, (512)338-4400
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- HOUSTON (NB) -- Compaq earned $47 million on revenues of $439 for
- the first quarter of 1988 alone, doubling old records, the
- company announced April 21. EDS, Dallas, the data processing arm
- of General Motors founded by H. Ross Perot, earned $89.1 million,
- on sales of $1.122 million, the the same quarter. Even NCR,
- Dayton, OH, earned $74 million on sales of $1,281 million.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- EAU CLAIRE, WI (NB) -- Cray Research, which lost much of its
- research staff when Steve Chen's group broke off last year to
- form SuperComputer Systems, announced it earned $26.3 million on
- revenues of $125.8 million, both way down from a year ago.
- Chairman John Rollwagon claimed he can still meet the firm's
- optimistic projections and has signed 14 multimillion dollar
- orders during the first quarter, enough to keep the Cray factory in
- Wisconsin humming along. Meanwhile former Cray designer Steve
- Chen got the final OK on his deal with IBM, under which Big Blue
- will take 20% of his parallel-processor supercomputer start-up
- and guarantee it the capital for 2 years of research and
- development of new super-fast machines.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CONTROL DATA, Minneapolis, announced 6 new air-cooled mainframes
- which double the capacity of its Cyber series, starting at
- $533,500. The company promised the Cyber 960s will be emerging in
- a more timely fashion from its new factory at Arden Hills, MN.
- CROSSTALK, a division of DCA, Alpharetta, GA, said its recently-
- announced Remote2 product will ship May 30.
- EDS, Dallas, agreed to buy M&SD Corp. of Lyndhurst, NJ, which
- does consulting, call accounting, and financial phone services
- for Fortune 1,000 outfits. It's also a General Partner in a
- cooperative buying partnership, the American Business Network,
- which can get such equipment for its members cheaply.
- DENNIS HAYES got a divorce settlement from former wife Melitta
- Hayes and the company said, in a terse April 18 announcement,
- that the deal will "have no adverse effect on continued
- operations."
- INFORUM, Atlanta, said construction of its high-tech market
- center in downtown Atlanta is 2 months ahead of schedule. The 1.5
- million square foot mart is due to open in September, 1989, just
- three blocks from the regular home of Spring Comdex, the Georgia
- World Congress Center.
- QUADRAM, Norcross, GA, said its new Quadboard PS/Q and QuadMEG
- PS/Q will support up to 4 megabytes of memory which is compatible
- with OS/2's extended memory specification. The boards also
- have a Micro Channel ID feature to prevent conflict with other
- expansion boards, and they are configurable without dip switches.
- The company also introduced an 80386 expansion card running at
- 20 Mhz for IBM PC XTs called the Quad386XT, shipping by the end
- of June at a price of about $1,500.
- SUN RIVER, Jackson, MS, announced that Virtual Systems of Walnut
- Creek, CA will develop standard device drivers for its Quick
- Connect operating system for use with the Fiber Optic Station PC
- workstation systems which use fiber optic cable to quickly run
- data among desks attached to it.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MONTREAL (NB) -- The Province of Quebec is very much in fashion
- in the computer business these days. The latest in a series of
- companies announcing investments in the largely French-speaking
- province is Apple Canada Inc., which says it will invest C$56
- million in the province over the next three years.
- The investment strategy includes buying printed circuits from
- Circo Craft of Montreal for use in Macintosh and LaserWriter II
- printers. Most of the circuits will be exported to Apple plants
- in the U.S. and Ireland. Apple also named Saturn Disq Inc.,
- Montreal, the sole supplier of Apple Canada's Macintosh Learning
- Series, software training packages for the Macintosh.
- David Rae, president of Apple Canada, said in a prepared
- statement that the Quebec investments "signal a major step in
- Apple Canada's investment strategy in Canada and support the
- growth and development of the Canadian technology industry."
- Daniel Johnson, Quebec's Minister of Industry and Commerce,
- welcomed Apple as a "new major partner in the development of a
- world-class information technology sector."
- Other recent commitments to Quebec included Digital Equipment of
- Canada Ltd.'s announcement of a C$15-million Advanced Technology
- Centre to be built in Hull, and IBM Canada Ltd.'s promise to
- spend C$70 million this year to upgrade its Bromont manufacturing
- plant.
- CONTACT: APPLE CANADA INC., 7495 Birchmount Rd., Markham, Ont.
- L3R 5G2, (416) 477-5800
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- BARRIE, Ont. (NB) -- InterTan Inc., the independent company that
- sells Tandy Corp.'s products outside the U.S., held a press
- conference in Toronto April 21, just as Tandy was doing the same
- in New York, to unveil the first non-IBM personal computer using
- Micro Channel Architecture.
- The press conference was less than flashy since Tandy would not
- send InterTan a sample of the new Tandy 5000 MC computer before
- the official announcement. So Tandy officials showed off to the
- media two framed poster-size pictures of the new machine.
- The Tandy 5000 MC uses a 20-megahertz Intel 80386 microprocessor
- and an expansion bus compatible with IBM's Micro Channel
- Architecture. Canadian officials had little information on the
- patent and licensing details of this, other than to read a
- carefully worded statement on the subject prepared by Tandy.
- The base price for the 5000 MC in Canada is C$7,999. That price
- does not include a hard disk drive. All existing Tandy drives
- can be used with the system, however. At current Canadian
- prices, adding a 40-megabyte drive with 25-millisecond access
- time and a controller would bring the total price tag to C$9,843.
- InterTan Canada Ltd. will be shipping the 5000 MC and Microsoft
- OS/2 at the end of June.
- InterTan President Robert Keto also used the occasion to predict
- his company will report substantially increased profits when its
- fiscal year ends June 30. InterTan has made more than $29
- million in profit already this year, he said.
- CONTACT: INTERTAN INC., 279 Bayview Dr., Barrie, Ont. L4M 4W5,
- (705) 728-6242, or
- INTERTAN INC., 2000 Two Tandy Center, Forth Worth, Tex.
- 76102
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MARKHAM, Ont. (NB) -- The latest Canadian entrant in the crowded
- IBM-compatible PC race is Lanpar Technologies Inc. Lanpar, which
- started life as a distributor of mainframe computer terminals,
- has been a personal computer distributor -- handling the Osborne
- I among others -- and a terminal manufacturer. It also has a
- nationwide third-party computer maintenance business. But the
- company's first go at building its own personal computers came
- with the announcement of a line of five IBM-compatible machines.
- The models include one 8088-based PC, the LPC Turbo; three models
- using the Intel 80286 processor; and one, the LPC 386/16, using a
- 16-MHz 80386 chip. All the computers come with a service-for-
- life guarantee: Lanpar says it will provide service for as long
- as you own the equipment. This and the company's established
- reputation in the terminal and maintenance businesses should help
- it in selling PCs to corporations. Lanpar did not respond to
- NEWSBYTES CANADA's requests for price information by this week's
- deadline.
- CONTACT: LANPAR TECHNOLOGIES INC., Markham, Ont. (416) 494-9494
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MISSISSAUGA, Ont. (NB) -- It was no secret that National Business
- Systems Inc., a Mississauga maker of credit-card verification and
- point-of-sale hardware, was not in the great shape its original
- 1987 financial statements suggested. A new audit of the company
- released this month confirms it.
- Hees International Corp., which has been running NBS since
- regulators forced the firm to withdraw its financial statements
- in January, revealed that NBS lost C$33.8 million in 1987,
- instead of making a C$14.2-million profit as the original audit
- said. The firm recorded fictitious sales of C$24.2 million in
- the year. Dealing with that contributed to a reduction of
- shareholders' equity from C$143.2 million to C$78.7 million.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MARKHAM, Ont. (NB) -- Kings Super Markets Inc. of West Caldwell,
- Pa. has agreed to install the Telepanel Price and Information
- Network from Telepanel Inc. of Toronto. The privately owned
- chain has 16 supermarkets in New Jersey and two more under
- construction. Telepanel's Price and Information Network uses a
- series of liquid crystal displays mounted on the edges of
- supermarket shelves to display price and product information.
- The system receives prices automatically from the store's
- checkout scanning system, and uses wireless transmission
- technology to send the data to the shelf displays.
- CONTACT: TELEPANEL INC. 245 Riviera Dr., Markham, Ont. L3R 5J9,
- (416) 477-7877
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- -- COGNOS INC., Ottawa software developer, made a profit of C$3.1
- million on revenues of C$83.0 million in the year ended Feb. 29.
- That's down from net income of C$5.1 million on revenues of
- C$68.4 million last year. But the fourth-quarter profit of C$2.2
- million, up from C$1.8 million in the same quarter last year,
- indicate a recovery from hard times in the middle of the fiscal
- year. Revenues for the quarter were C$27.0 million, up from
- C$18.7 million in the fourth quarter of the previous year.
- -- GEMINI TECHNOLOGY INC., Richmond, B.C., reported profit of
- C$88,000 in the quarter ended March 31, compared with a loss of
- C$553,000 a year earlier. Revenues were C$1.8 million, up from
- C$82,000. Gemini makes semiconductor chips.
- -- BCE INC., Montreal, bought 220,000 shares of Memotec Data
- Inc., in February, increasing its stake in the company to 29.6
- per cent, according to insider trading reports filed with the
- Ontario Securities Commission. BCE is the parent company of Bell
- Canada and Northern Telecom Ltd., while Memotec owns the
- international satellite communications carrier Teleglobe Canada.
- -- DIGITAL EQUIPMENT OF CANADA LTD., Toronto, will build
- backplane components at its plant in Kanata, Ont., for the new
- 6200 series of minicomputers announced by its parent, Digital
- Equipment Corp. of Maynard, Mass. Digital Canada also makes
- components for the DEC 8250 and 8350 minis in Kanata.
- -- MDI MOBILE DATA INTERNATIONAL INC. of Richmond, B.C., is still
- talking to BCE Inc. about being acquired by the Montreal firm,
- even though MDI's shares are trading around C$11 a share while
- BCE's offer is only C$9.75, THE GLOBE AND MAIL in Toronto
- reports.
- -- THE STEALS PEOPLE, Toronto-based operator of discount computer
- stores, is opening its third location. The new store is in
- Toronto's northeastern suburbs. The two existing locations are
- also in Toronto's outskirts, one in the north and one in the
- west.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Motorola (U.S.A.) will resume the production of
- its 1 megabit dynamic RAM in the U.S., getting technological
- assistance from Japan's Toshiba. 1M DRAM will be manufactured
- at Motorola's Phoenix, Arizona factory by the end of the year.
- Motorola stopped producing memory chips in 1985. That's good
- news for personal computer makers in the U.S., since there's a
- serious shortage of memory chips there.
- As was already reported, Motorola set up a joint venture in
- Northern Japan, in cooperation with Toshiba, in May 1987. Their
- joint firm Tohoku Semiconductor will manufacture Toshiba's 1M
- DRAM and Motorola's 68000 CPUs in May.
- CONTACT: Toshiba, Toshiba Bldg., 1-1-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku,
- Tokyo 105
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- IBM Japan has announced that it will release three
- upgraded models of IBM Personal System/55, which is a Japanese
- version of the PS/2. The new models 5550-S, 5550-T, and 5570-T,
- can use all the application software for IBM personal computers
- from Japan and the U.S. IBM Japan will ship them on May 12.
- The new models can display the Japanese and English language
- simultaneously, using a built-in LSI that controls the timing
- of the display of the two languages. The Japanese and English
- versions of MS-DOS and OS/2 can be used on the machines. The basic
- version of Japanese OS/2 was released in March. The
- extended version of OS/2 is expected to be released at the end of
- this year. The basic prices of the 5550-S and the 5550-T are
- 820,000 yen ($6,600), and the 5570-T is 1.45 million yen
- ($11,700).
- Meanwhile, the announcement of upgraded machines from IBM Japan
- could be a big blow to Japanese AX personal computer makers. (The
- AX is an IBM PC/AT-compatible computer with a Japanese language feature.)
- NEWSBYTES will report how AX personal computer makers will do at
- the coming Business Show, a major spring computer exhibition,
- in Tokyo in May.
- CONTACT: IBM Japan, 3-2-12 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Personal computer firm Tomcat Computer has
- released two personal computers which are fully compatible
- with NEC PC-9800 series and IBM PC/AT. The two models, the PC/2
- and the PC/3, have the emulation mode of the Basic I/O systems
- for those two popular computers.
- The PC/3 is equipped with an 80386 CPU, and the PC/2 has an 80286
- CPU and a slot for an 80386 CPU. Besides running IBM programs,
- both machines can run almost all NEC application programs, using
- a newly added V30 emulation program. The prices are 498,000 yen
- ($4,000) and 398,000 yen ($3,200) respectively.
- CONTACT: Tomcat Computer, Yaguchi Bldg. 4F. 3-6-4 Nishi-Waseda,
- Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- The NIKKAN KOGYO newspaper reports the Ministry of
- Industry in France has requested the Japanese Ministry of
- International Trade and Industry (MITI) to provide technical
- support for the TRON operating system. Reportedly, the French
- industry is thinking of using TRON as the future operating
- system for its industrial computers. Currently the French industry
- has been pushing X/Open, but it may adapt TRON. Following up on this
- request, Japan's MITI already introduced TRON at a conference in
- Paris this past week. The TRON association says it will
- cooperate with the French industry to set up TRON office in
- France in the near future.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- An American supercomputer, which is supposed to be
- delivered to Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), will be about
- two months late. This gaff requires payment of a $320,000 penalty
- for the supercomputer maker, Control Data Corp. (CDC), reports the
- ASAHI newspaper. In the agreement with TIT, CDC was supposed
- to deliver its supercomputer, the ETA-10, with eight parallel
- processors by the end of March. However since it is delayed, the
- penalty must be paid, according to the terms.
- Regarding the bidding on supercomputers, Japanese supercomputer
- makers are complaining that the Japanese government has set up
- bidding terms which are unfavorable to the Japanese makers.
- Most here believe the government has set up the terms to shut out
- Japanese makers in order to soften Japan-U.S. supercomputer sales
- friction. Now that there is news of a delay in shipment of the U.S.
- supercomputer, analysts say friction may actually increase.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Sony has established a subsidiary, Sony Computer
- Science Laboratory in Tokyo. In that laboratory, Sony do
- research and develop new operating systems in cooperation with
- the University of California research staff, which has developed one of
- standard versions of UNIX. The new operating system will be a
- distributed operating system, dubbed Post UNIX. It is expected
- to have powerful networking features.
- Meanwhile, Sony will hold an essay contest, titled "Computer for
- the 21st Century - Make A Dream Come True" for young researchers at
- home and abroad. The prizes for the winner are 2 million yen
- ($16,000) in cash and Sony's workstation, the NEWS.
- CONTACT: Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Takanawa Muse Bldg.
- 3-14 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO(NB) -- Japan-based foreign semiconductor makers have shown
- sharp increase in sales. That's due to the skyrocketing demand
- for semiconductor chips, and improved access to the Japanese
- chip market. For instance, Texas Instruments Japan is in the
- black for the fist time in three years, as was already reported
- in this column. It's going invest $81 million to expand
- production of 1M DRAM. This is expected to boost chip production
- by three to four times over current output. The semiconductor
- business at Intel Japan is also thriving. The company has been
- doing so well that it has made its balance sheet public for the
- first time. LSI Logic is also expanding its sales. And last but
- not least, the British firm called Inmos Japan says it sold five
- times more product than it did last year.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Japan Electronics Industries Development
- Association has reported total units of PC output recorded a
- minus growth for the first time in fiscal 1987. Total shipment
- was 2,060,000, which is a 4% drop over the previous year. The
- export output dropped by 6%, affected by the U.S. semiconductor
- retaliatory tax. However, in terms of money, Japanese PC makers
- made 22% more than last year in the domestic market and 3% more
- for exports, and thus total sales increased by 16%.
- The major reason for this contradiction in the statistics could
- be that users are buying fewer but more expensive PCs. Here's
- the survey:
- YEAR 1987 1986 GROWTH
- -------------------------------------------------
- DOMESTIC 1,204 Units 1,236 Units - 3%
- (42) (35) (+22%)
- EXPORT 772 Units 824 Units - 6%
- (17) (16) (+ 3%)
- -------------------------------------------------
- TOTAL 1,976 Units 2,060 Units - 4%
- (59) (51) (+16%)
- -------------------------------------------------
- ( ) shows sales in US$1 million
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- Tokushima-based IC design company Dedekindo has
- developed a tool that temporarily stacks onscreen data in a special
- RAM-resident memory box, and can display it anytime with a single key touch
- just like a window program. There is a 2-screen type and an 8-screen
- type. Each tool consists of a CRT memory box with ICs including
- a dynamic RAM, and a remote controller. The 2-screen type will
- be priced around 32,000 yen ($250), and the price of the 8-screen
- type is not known yet. Both products will be released in July.
- CONTACT: Dedekindo, 346 Nishiyama, Kami-Hachiman-cho,
- Tokushima-shi 770
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- TOKYO (NB) -- PFU, a joint venture of Fujitsu and Matsushita, will
- release two models of a laptop personal computer, the C-250LT. The
- new models are laptop versions of the Panafacom C desktop computer.
- The C-250LT has an MN1617 CPU, a 1 megabyte disk and a 640 x
- 480-dot plasma display. The price of the 20 megabyte microdisk
- model is 588,000 yen ($4,700) and the 40 megabyte microdisk
- model is 738,000 yen ($5,950).
- Meanwhile, PFU has released an upgraded version of its file server
- system the C-Server Jr. The system EX is equipped with a 68020
- CPU, a 6 megabyte memory, and a 10 megabyte floppy disk drive.
- CONTACT: PFU, 3-25-33 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- Japan has released dBASE III PLUS 2.0J for local area network
- (LAN) of IBM PS/55 and Hitachi's B16. They are priced at 298,000
- yen ($2,400).
- Sun MicroSystems Japan, a Japanese subsidiary of the American
- workstation maker, will release its workstation, the Sun 386i.
- This new model has an 80386 MPU, and it can use application
- software for both UNIX and MS-DOS.
- (Kanagawa, Japan) has ordered a top class supercomputer -- the
- X-MP432 from Cray. The price was $20 million. The supercomputer
- will be used for not only a new-car development, but also
- designing space ships. Cray supplied its first supercomputer
- to Nissan two years ago.
- produce a 1 megabit dynamic RAM in Malaysia by the end of this
- year. The chip will be sold to the newly industrialized
- countries in Asia, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
- Hitachi will be the first Japanese maker to produce a 1M DRAM
- in Asia outside Japan.
- HITACHI TO RELEASE 32-BIT WORKSTATION -- Hitachi announced it
- will release a 32-bit workstation, the 2020/32, with a 20MHz 80386 MPU.
- It will be shipped in the end of June this year. The price will
- be between $10,800 and $14,000, depending on the models.
- telecom giant NTT will set up a subsidiary, NTT Data
- Communications Corp., on July 1. The new firm will be capitalized
- at $80 million, and have 6,800 employees. The new company
- expects to gain $64 million profit in 1990, and $112 million in
- 1991.
- released word processing software CD-WORD8 for NEC PC-9800
- series. CD-WORD8 is multi-language CD-ROM software that
- includes 5 million words for seven languages. It has a
- translation feature for seven languages, but it translates only
- word for word. It is priced at 148,000 yen or $1,200.
- PRICES OF 3.5-INCH FDDs ARE FALLING -- Prices of 3.5 inch FDDs
- are falling more than 20% compared to last year. Sales competition
- among the FDD makers, such as NEC and Toshiba, has been getting
- intense.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- BRUSSELS, BELGIUM (NB) -- ESPRIT II, the successor to Europe's
- first high technology research and development program,
- is underway and officials are enthusiastic. Mr. Narjes, the
- EC Commissioner responsible for technology and information
- processing said, "This phase of ESPRIT is the biggest and
- most widely supported phase so far. It is expected that this phase
- will offer better products that phase I accomplished. Products
- which will shine by comparison to those that evolved from ESPRIT
- I, such as the T800 Transputer."
- The 700 proposals for funding that have been received so
- far are split in the following categories: 17% for
- microelectronics and peripheral technologies, 33% in
- information processing systems, 50% in IT (information
- technology) which is subdivided to 25% for CIM (computer
- integrated manufacturing), 14% to integrated information
- systems and 11% to IT application support systems.
- The success of Esprit I is demonstrated by products that
- have emerged based on the program, such as the international
- standard on office document architecture (ISODA) which is now
- accepted by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA).
- Another one, and probably the most famous, is the T800
- floating point Transputer chip, developed by the Supernode
- project.
- The European Community, the commercial guardian for this
- part of the world, sets down standards and offers support
- to companies that would like to develop Europe's
- technological strength, and provides 50% of development
- costs.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MUNICH, GERMANY (NB) -- AMD has announced the follow-on chip
- to the upcoming 29000 32 bit microprocessor, the 29C327
- floating point chip. This product offers high speed
- operation at 120ns per instruction. The product will also
- be available in a faster version at 100ns in the fall.
- What separates this chip from other floating point chips
- is the ability to interface with a variety of systems
- as well as support DEC, IBM and other floating point
- standards. Implemented in a 1.2 micron double-layer metal
- CMOS process, it achieves performance currently matched
- by MSI and LSI combinatorial logic. The chip has register
- file, adder and multiplier, and fully-combinatorial
- elements. Fully 32 bits throughout, the 29C327, can
- interface with the 68000 series of chips and other
- microprocessors.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND (NB) -- The RAM shortage is worsening here
- in Europe. For example, during a tour of Holland's version of the
- West Coast Computer Faire, called Informaticbeurs, the
- computer exhibitors kept telling show-goers that after
- they sold off the systems on display, no more
- RAM-full systems will be sold, just 0K versions.
- (Now, I wonder what can you do with RAMless PC? A coffee
- table? Or a bookstand!)
- Of course the shortage has not bothered the 'RAM
- pushers who are making a fortune selling RAMs with
- increased prices bordering on the fivefold! A 256K RAM
- chip here used to cost (in the old days - 2 months ago)
- $6.50. Now the same part fetches $30. No one in the clone
- arena can afford them at these prices.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM (NB) -- Citibank, the world's
- largest bank (and the largest lender), send a memo to its
- worldwide subsidiaries and associated companies warning them
- of viruses which seem to be widespread within the firm.
- The company issued the warning after a virus wiped out
- the contents of a hard disk at one of its offices.
- The viruses in a banking environment are particularly
- dangerous when you consider that billions of dollar
- transactions are kept in storage media. A virus can
- destroy a complete inventory or large transaction (done
- with Citibank's CITICUBIT program). The company
- stressed that any diskette put in a system should be
- either 3.5" (there appear to be no viruses on 3.5" disks)
- or formatted recently or a certified Citibank diskette.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- FACIT introduced a new video terminal, the A3400. This
- black on white terminal offers ANSI, VT220 and FACIT
- standards as well as the ability to use special memory
- cards that hold new programming information...
- ...POSITRONICA announced that the Radius Accelerator
- will be offered to the Belgian marketplace as of May 1st.
- This add-on board for the Mac replaces the 68000 with a
- 20MHz 68020 chip and uses 32K of high speed cache RAM.
- Also, the company announced that the Tecmar RAM AD and the
- new VGA adapter series will also share space on
- dealers shelf's. The surprise is that this VGA card
- supports some extra modes such as 640x350 in 256 colors
- and 800x600 also in 256 colors...
- ...AMD finished 1987 looking better than before
- (although still losing money) with revenues up at $997,080
- thousands and a loss of $48 million. However, the loss
- was less than that of 1986 (which was almost $100 million) and
- the company is expected to turn a profit during this
- fiscal year. That is, if the 29000 succeeds.....
- ...MOTOROLA is certainly pushing its 88000 to European
- companies with a three page spread in the "Wall Street
- Journal/Europe."
- ...OLIVETTI has bought a 51% interest in
- Scanvest-Ring, a Norwegian producer of integrated systems.
- The Italian company would not disclose the sum used
- in the transaction, but analysts estimate the cost to have
- been around $74 million...
- ...and finally SIEMENS and SEQUENT teamed up for the
- European market. The two companies have extended a $50
- million agreement which was announced in 1986. The
- agreement will now last till 1992 and will cost $30 million.
- Sequent will integrate the National Semiconductor 32532
- microprocessor within Siemen's MX line of parallel
- systems.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- by Dana Blankenhorn, IP2004
- Here in Atlanta, some friends and I were wondering what the theme
- of this Comdex show might be. We had just spent a day chasing
- vapor -- vapor spreadsheets, vapor hardware, even vapor marketing
- programs. Then we turned our faces southeast of the convention
- center, toward the Atlanta Fulton-County Stadium. We thought of
- the Atlanta Braves.
- Ah ha! Wait 'til next year. Braves' management, in a rare display
- of truth-in-advertising, admitted to fans they probably wouldn't
- have much of a team this year, but that with the young kids
- coming up we might make a run at it next year. Same thing with
- the computer industry. In our case, too, the problem began with
- bad trades. This trade, however, was the 1986 chip dumping
- agreement with the Japanese. Fact is, the chip shortage is going
- to hurt the American computer industry badly in 1988 -- how can you
- run OS/2 and a decent program without 3-4 megabytes of memory?
- How can you run your new laser printer without at least a meg or
- two to process the page? How can you run the new, heftier
- versions of your software favorites without more memory to
- handle their nifty new features?
- Now, there are xenophobes out there who think this is all a
- fiendish plot by the Japanese to take away our industry. And
- Japanese producers plan to double or triple their RAM chip
- production this year, no doubt swamping the increases from Micron
- and Texas Instruments. But this was no MicroChip OPEC that did us
- in -- this was our own trading representatives. They looked a
- bargain straight in the face, and called it unfair competition.
- So, we make do. Shipment dates of September and November are
- promised on such things as PS/2 clones and the OS/2 Presentation
- Manager. Laser printers are shown, without price tags, because
- that would be a dirty little secret. The most innovative thing at
- the show is a little hand-held scanner, not just made in but
- designed in Taiwan!
- Yet the crowds are bigger than ever and the arguments over wait
- states and clock speeds reach a feverish pitch. The bright side
- of rising prices is you can hide a multitude of blather under
- them. But for computer buyers, the best advice is to wait. Wait
- until RAM chip prices come down. Wait until last February's
- announcements turn into real, de-bugged product. Do something
- useful, like helping Steve Gibson stamp out computer viruses. Or
- reading NEWSBYTES.
- -- Dana Blankenhorn
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (NB) -- Michael Kolowich, vice president of
- information services for Lotus Development Corp. has resigned to
- become publisher of a new personal computer magazine to be
- published by Ziff Communications Co. of New York. A month ago,
- Charles Digate, Lotus senior vice president, was nudged out of
- the company after a disagreement with Lotus chief Jim Manzi.
- Kolowich said his departure was "entirely voluntary." Kolowich,
- 35, has been in charge of the Lotus market services that have been
- distributed over FM radio waves and on compact optical disks.
- Ziff will begin publishing the new magazine, PC COMPUTING, this
- summer. Ziff already publishes PC MAGAZINE, PC TECH JOURNAL, AND
- PC WEEK. David Roux, 31, will succeed Kolowich.
- In other Lotusland developments, Manzi has topped the annual
- BUSINESS WEEK "executive compensation scoreboard," with $26.3
- million in salary, bonuses, and stock options. Manzi was $8.5
- million ahead of No. 2 on the best-paid boss list, Chrysler chief
- Lee Iacocca, who hauled in a puny $17.9 million. The average
- chief executive's total pay jumped 48 percent in 1987 to $1.8
- million, said the magazine. Life's tough in the pinstripe
- trenches.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- STAMFORD, Conn. (NB) -- Xerox Corp. has spun off ParcPlace
- Systems, developer of Smalltalk-80, as an independent software
- company financed with venture capital. Xerox pioneered Smalltalk,
- an object-oriented language, at its Palo Alto Research Center
- in the 1970s. ParcPlace is headquartered in Palo Alto and has
- financing from Weiss, Peck & Greer of San Francisco, Advanced
- Technology Ventures and Paragon Partners of Menlo Park; and Inman
- & Bowman of Orinda. Xerox keeps a minority interest and one seat
- on the board of directors.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- Motorola Inc. of Schaumberg, Ill., has rolled
- out its new reduced instruction set chip (RISC), the 88000
- family. Motorola says the 88000 will blaze along at 17 million
- instructions per second, five times faster than anything else on
- the market (and getting near the traditional range of
- supercomputers). Motorola also unveiled a series of 88000
- multiprocessor boards, called Hypermodules, that promise up to 50
- MIPS on a single board computer. The company said it has made
- samples of the 88100 processor and 88200 cache-memory chip
- available to special customers for the past six months. General
- samplings of the 20 MHz chips will be available in the third
- quarter, with orders being taken in the fourth. Motorola said the
- 88100 will be $495 in quantities of 100 to 499, while the 88200
- will be $795.
- While the chips aren't aimed at personal computers quite yet,
- analysts and industry officials are abuzz with speculation about
- how the Motorola products might work into Apple's product
- development plans. Apple has traditionally had a strong working
- relationship with Motorola. Imagine an Apple Macintosh III
- running the 88000 chips, with about 30 MB of memory. Are those
- folks quivering over in the corner executives from Sun and
- Apollo?
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- NORFOLK (NB) -- William Brautigan, 42, vice president of finance
- for Systems Management American Corp. and Tim Herring, 41, an SMA
- procurement executive, were named in a 55-count indictment
- alleging they defrauded the U.S. Navy, impeded justice, and
- conspired to cover up the fraud and disguise kickbacks. SMA, one
- of Norfolk's largest employers, is cooperating with the
- investigation. Brautigan faces up to 248 years in prison and
- fines totaling $4.5 million if convicted. Herring could see a
- 182-year sentence and $5.7 million in fines.
- The charges relate to work SMA did from 1983 to 1987, installing
- computer systems on a number of Navy warships. The indictment was
- part of an investigation run by the U.S. Attorney's office in
- Norfolk. Three individuals have entered guilty pleas in the case.
- A former SMA architect, Gerald Woods, was sentenced in January to
- two years in prison for a kickback scheme allegedly including SMA
- President and founder Herman Valentine. Woods received a light
- sentence in return for cooperating in the investigation.
- Valentine, who founded the computer company in 1970, denies the
- allegations, claiming that Woods is a drug abuser and liar.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- NEW YORK (NB) -- A West German citizen broke into 30 U.S.
- military computer systems over telephone lines for nearly two
- years, according to a report in the NEW YORK TIMES. The paper
- reports that the German cracker methodically searched the
- military databases for nuclear weapons information, data on
- intelligence satellites, Star Wars, the space shuttle, and the
- North American Air Defense Command. No classified data was
- compromised, according to security officials contacted by the
- newspaper. The intrusions involved U.S. systems in this country,
- Europe, and Japan.
- A West German magazine, QUICK, has identified the electronic
- intruder as Mathias Speer, 24, a computer science student in
- Hanover. U.S. officials have not confirmed QUICK's information,
- although they acknowledge the have the identity of the
- perpetrator. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in
- California discovered the intrusions and trapped the intruder
- with a phony database that kept the data burglar online long
- enough to trace the phone call. That makes it the first
- electronic sting operation.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CRANBURY, N.J. (NB) -- Clancy-Paul, Inc., a chain of computer
- retail stores in New Jersey with $35 million in sales has been
- gobbled by by ValCom, Inc., of Omaha for an undisclosed sum.
- ValCom is the nation's fourth largest chain of computer retail
- outlets. According to ValCom President Bill Fairfield the
- purchase leaves ValCom with 167 stores in 44 states, and yearly
- sales of nearly $200 million. Clancy-Paul operates six stores in
- Princeton, Red Bank, New Brunswick, Clifton, and West Trenton.
- The company offers products from IBM, Apple, Compaq, and Hewlett-
- Packard.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CHELMSFORD, Mass. (NB) -- Apollo Computer Inc. has knocked more
- than a third off the prices for its Series 4000 workstations.
- These machines are Apollo's near-low-end computers, and the new
- prices should make them competitive with souped up Apple
- Machintosh IIs and 80386 PC clones. The entry level price for the
- Apollo is now $8,990, while the price of the color version of the
- same engineering workstation starts at $13,990. The machines run
- the Unix operating system.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LOVE THAT LOTUS -- Lotus Development Corp. rolled up a
- record for first quarter revenue of $117.3 million, compared to
- $84.8 million for the first quarter of last year. Earnings were
- $18.3 million (40 cents per share) versus $13.7 million in
- earnings (31 cents per share) for the 1987 first quarter. What
- fuels the continuing growth of Lotus? Good old 1-2-3, says the
- company.
- BLACK INK AT DG -- Data General Corp. reports a second
- quarter net earning of $17.2 million (57 cents per share)
- compared to a $42.6 million second quarter loss last year.
- Revenues for the quarter were $349.7 million, compared to $315.2
- million last year.
- WANG WOWS -- The third quarter at Wang Laboratories of
- Lowell, Mass., shows net income of $22.7 million (14 cents per
- share) on revenue of $767.9 million. Last year's third quarter at
- Wang saw paltry earnings of $5.9 million (four cents per share)
- on revenue of $745.9 million. Wang said orders for the third
- quarter were five percent higher than last year and that its Wang
- Integrated Image Systems are booming. Once a financial basket
- case, Wang is now showing considerable muscle.
- CCI SOARS -- Computer Consoles Inc. of Waltham, Mass.,
- says first quarter income, before extraordinary gains, was more
- than double that of a year ago. Revenues rose 10 percent to $39.2
- million compared to $35.6 million for the first quarter of 1987.
- Income before extraordinary gain was $1.9 million (14 cents per
- share) versus $800,000 (6 cents per share) for the first quarter
- of 1987. CCI's figures include an extraordinary gain of $1.3
- million from repurchases of debentures. CCI said its computer
- products division reached break-even in the first quarter, after
- 1987 losses of $13 million. The company makes minicomputers.
- WORLDWIDE RECORD -- Worldwide Computer Services of Wayne,
- N.J., has reported the highest sales and net earnings for any
- quarter in the company's history. Net sales for the quarter ended
- March 31 were $4.3 million, compared to $3.6 million for the
- prior year. Net income of $118,395 (7 cents per share) compared
- to $105,450 (five cents per share) a year ago. The company
- supplies the Fortune 500 with high-tech temps.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- CHARLES RIVER DATA SYSTEMS of Boston has made a deal that will
- see Kawasaki Steel Corp. market Charles River Data's super-micros
- in Japan under the Kawasaki brand. Kawasaki aims at first-year
- sales of $2.4 million.
- IBM has upped the power of its ESA-370 mainframe systems
- architecture and MVS mainframe operating system. Big Blue has also
- introduced a new version of its top-of-the-line relational data
- base, DB2. DB2 Version 2 offers referential integrity, says IBM,
- which automatically enforces rules to protect information in the
- data base. Not aimed at the home hacker, DB2's license fee is
- $3,600...per month.
- MASSACHUSETTS COMPUTER CORP. of Westford, Mass., has rolled out a
- new line of faster computers designed for recording and
- analyzing real time data from sensors. The computers use one to
- five Motorola 68030 processors, running under Unix. Prices range
- from $24,900 to $120,000.
- PRIME COMPUTER of Natick, Mass., has upgraded its EXL multiuser
- micro line, with two new models. The EXL 320 and EXL 325 can
- accommodate 16 to 48 users. The machines use the Intel 80386 chip,
- running Unix. Prices for the EXL 320 start at $25,900, while EXL
- 325 prices start at $45,900. Shipping in June.
- BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN of Cambridge, Mass., will supply Japan
- Air Lines with a worldwide data communications network. BBN says
- the job is worth $26 million, making it the largest non-
- government award the company has ever received. BBN does a lot of
- military-related work for the U.S. government.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Last week saw the Atari User Show take place
- at London's Alexandra Palace. NEWSBYTES UK was there to capture
- all the hot news from the three-day event...
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- NEWSBYTES UK bumped into Bob Gleadow, MD of
- Atari UK, at the show. We learned some interesting snippets of
- information: Stacy, Atari's ST laptop, is coming very soon, and
- the company is now bundling #414-worth of software free with each
- #399 520 ST sold.
- Gleadow was surprisingly candid on the ST laptop, code-named
- Stacy by Atari sources. "We hope to have the laptop finished
- and on sale before the end of the year," said Gleadow. "If all
- goes well, you could see it on sale around October/November
- time," he added.
- Gleadow remains coy on the subject of pricing (still to be
- announced), but NEWSBYTES UK anticipates a #700 price point.
- LCD screen resolution shouldn't pose any problems, said
- Gleadow, pointing out that, with Atari's expertise, any screen
- graphics problems should easily be solved.
- More immediately, the 520ST, which recently rose in price by #100
- to #399-99, gets a boost with the free bundling of 22 games worth
- #414 until 1st September. "The Atari 520STFM Summer Pack
- bundling deal makes the ST really compete with the Amiga 500,"
- said Gleadow, acknowledging Commodore's rival machine. "Our user
- base is higher, and we intend to keep it that way," he added.
- * NEWSBYTES UK also notes that Atari UK is building a double-
- sided drive into new 520STFM models. This unannounced 520 ST
- enhancement adds considerable value to the 520STFM, as well as
- placing the 520 into (ironically) more direct competition with
- the 1040 ST.
- CONTACT: ATARI UK, Atari House, Railway Terrace, Slough,
- Berkshire SL2 5BZ. Tel: 0753-33344.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Club 68000, another Atari computer club staged
- its debut at the show. Club 68000 has aims which are different
- from the majority of computer clubs, however. "For #10, members
- get a regular newsletter, access to discount software software
- and our public domain and shareware software for the Amiga and
- ST," explained Peter Thake of the club.
- How discount is discount? #49-95 for a copy of PC Ditto,
- compared with a retail price of #89-95, that's how much
- discount. Although NEWSBYTES UK remains a little sceptical of
- the club's newsletter (the club has only been running a few
- weeks), it certainly offers good value in the software stakes.
- Worth checking out if you're after a bundle of really cheap
- software for your ST and Amiga.
- CONTACT: CLUB 68000, 52 Linkworth Road, Isleworth,
- Middlesex TW7 6QH. Tel: 01-560-1717.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK -- Multi-tasking on the Atari ST, as seen on the
- Commodore Amiga, has been around for some time, but true
- concurrent working of Gem applications has yet to be seen. The
- reason for this is that Gem requires operating system control of
- the screen - a task not possible for two or more packages to
- share at the same time.
- Computer programmer Hanifi Houbart reckons that he's about to
- solve this problem, thus pushing the Atari ST's capabilities out
- to meet the Commodore Amiga. "I've written a package to support
- ST applications software in a multitasking environment, and now
- I'm working on solving the Gem problem," Houbart told NEWSBYTES
- UK. "I reckon I should have solved this problem very shortly,"
- he added.
- Houbart is coy on pricing for his as-yet unnamed MTOS (multi-
- tasking operating system) for the ST. "I'll be making an
- announcement shortly," he said. He also noted that he originally
- wrote the multitasking software for himself. "I never intended
- to market a commercial package," he revealed.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Now into its 19th issue, Monitor magazine
- appears to be coming on in leaps and bounds. Issued quarterly,
- this colour glossy is just part of the membership package that
- the UK Atari Computer Owners Club is offering members for #5-00 a
- year.
- "Monitor aims to keep members informed of what's happening on the
- Atari scene generally, and at a low price," explained Roy Smith,
- the magazine's editor. "Our club is the UK's largest Atari club,
- and the magazine is only one of several benefits, which includes
- access to the club's extensive 8 and 16-bit public domain
- libraries," he added.
- * Non-UK membership and magazine subscriptions cost #8-00 a year
- for Monitor surface mail delivery, #12-00 for airmail delivery.
- Essex, SS6 8LR
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Incentive Software took time out at the show
- to launch STAC, the first graphic adventure creator for the ST
- range. Pricing in at #39-95, the package looks to offer good
- value for money, both as a programmer's tool, and as a fun
- environment for all ST users to create their own graphic
- adventures.
- "We could have charged a lot more for the package, but chose to
- pitch it at #39-95 to attract all ST users," Sean Ellis of
- Incentive told NEWSBYTES UK. "We're not after any license fees
- either - any programs which result from STAC need only credit us
- on the opening titles, and the software authors are free to
- market their adventures as they see fit," he added.
- STAC could open up the market for graphic adventures on the ST in
- a big way. Whilst most buyers of STAC will probably use the
- package to create adventures for themselves and their immediate
- circle of friends, we could see a crop of low-cost or even public
- domain graphic adventures for the ST very soon.
- CONTACT: INCENTIVE SOFTWARE, 2 Minerva House, Caleva Park,
- Aldermaston, Berkshire RG7 4QW. Tel: 07356-77288.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- HISOFT (0525-718181) unveiled four new packages at the show:
- Aztec C, Devpac ST 2, Twist and Wercs. Aztec C (#129 & #179) is
- an ST version of Manx software's C compiler package. Devpac ST2
- (#49-95) is the second edition of the popular ST assembler
- package. Twist (#39-95) is a switcher program for the Atari ST.
- The package doesn't support true multitasking, but freezes and
- saves up to 14 applications programs to a Ram disk. Wercs (#29-
- 95) is a Wimp Environment Resource Construction Set and is
- a complete resource editor for the ST.
- METACOMCO (0272-428781) has released CAMBRIDGE LISP for the ST at
- #89-95. The Bristol-based company says this pricing opens the
- world of Artificial Intelligence to ST owners.
- MICROLINK (0625-878888) announced ST-specific versions of its
- modems at the show. #99 gets you a V21/23 modem, whilst #169
- adds V22 (1200 baud) to the modem's capabilities. Both modems
- include Kuma's K-Comm communication software in their VAT-
- inclusive prices.
- MIRRORSOFT failed to show the Atari CD-Rom unit as promised at
- the show. First announced by Atari at last year's PCW Show, the
- Atari CD-Rom unit has yet to make a UK public appearance.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE (NB) -- Ashton-Tate, which switched its
- user help line and database service from Telecom Gold over to
- Prestel earlier this year, has turned in some impressive access
- figures for the service.
- Baseline, officially launched on Prestel at the Which Computer?
- Show in January, has been accessed more than 70,000 times a month
- since the launch, a figure which taken Digital Dynamite, the
- database administrators, by surprise.
- "Ashton-Tate's service has surpassed any other database service
- we've been involved with, in terms of numbers of enquiries and
- responses," said Perri Tate (no relation) of Digital Dynamite.
- Whilst the Prestel success is bound to please BT's Prestel staff,
- Telecom Gold staff will have to content themselves with the fact
- that Prestel's free off-peak charges have probably accounted for
- upsurge in Baseline usage.
- CONTACT: ASHTON-TATE UK, Cavendish House, 57-59 Uxbridge Road,
- Ealing, London W5 5SA. Tel: 01-840-7200.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- In a precedent-setting case, two computer
- journalists, Robert Schifreen and Steve Gold (yes, you're right,
- that is NEWSBYTES UK's bureau chief) were finally acquitted of
- 'hacking' into Prestel, the UK's viewdata system, in 1984.
- The case started in March '85 when the pair were arrested for
- gaining unauthorised access to Prestel in late '84, and
- subsequently appeared in the Crown Court in April 1986. During
- the two-week trial by jury, the defendants were found guilty and
- fined a total of #1,350. The pair appealed and had the
- convictions quashed in the Appeal Courts in July last year.
- British Telecom appealed and pursued the case to the House of
- Lords, the highest court in the Uk, earlier this year. Five Law
- Lords declared unanimously last week that the Forgery Act 1981
- does not apply where computer 'hacking' was involved.
- Lord Brandon of Oakbrook declared that the prosecution was "an
- attempt to force the facts of the case into the language of an
- Act, not designed to fit them."
- The case, whilst good news for Schifreen and NEWSBYTES UK's
- editor, is bad news for UK operators of online computer systems,
- since it means that anyone gaining unauthorised access to their
- system is not committing an offence. NEWSBYTES UK notes that a
- change in the law is imminent.
- * In response to several requests, NEWSBYTES UK is pleased to
- send every reader a genuine *autograph* for readers to store
- with their family heirlooms:
- What did you expect - modesty?
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- LONDON, UK (NB) -- Zenith has announced what it claims are the
- industry's first 'truly portable' 80286 and 80386-based battery-
- powered laptops. The three portables are the Supersport, the
- Supersport 286 and the Turbosport 386.
- The Supersport centres around an 80C88 (XT compatible)
- microprocessor running at 4.77/8.00MHz. The Supersport 286, as
- the name implies, uses an 80C286, whilst the Turbosport 386 uses
- an 80386 microprocessor. Both the 286 and 386 models run at
- 12MHz and 6MHz with zero-wait states, and are capable of running
- multitasking applications software.
- The Turbosport 386 looks a neat machine, and comes with a page
- white 600x400 pixel LCD screen. (All models in the sport range
- feature a high-contrast, supertwist backlit LCD screen).
- Okay - the bottom line. The Supersport prices in at #1,395 for a
- single floppy (3.5 inch) drive, and #2,595 for a 20Mb hard disk
- version. The Supersport 286 costs #3,195 in a 1Mb Ram, 20Mb hard
- disk-equipped configuration and #3,995 for a 40Mb hard disk
- version. The Turbosport 386 meanwhile, costs a hefty #4,995, and
- comes with 2Mb of Ram and a 40Mb hard disk as standard.
- Anything else. Yes - Zenith is bundling Dos 3.21, laplink
- software (for file transfer connection to a PC) and a carry case
- with these prices. That softens the blow a bit.
- CONTACT: ZENITH DATA SYSTEMS, 452 Bath Road, Slough,
- Berkshire SL1 6BB. Tel: 06286-68588.
- [***][4/26/88][***]
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- + BRITBYTES - Bytes of news from around the UK... +
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- APPLE COMPUTER (0442-60244) has scooped two DESIGNERS AND ART
- DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION awards for its international TV advertising
- campaign. The awards went to Apple's ad campaign, which included
- Balance Sheet, Power Lunch and War Room as its themes for its 60-
- second ads.
- BRITISH TELECOM has teamed up with THE TIMES to offer the
- STOCKWATCH audiotext service. Accessible on via BT's value-added
- 0898 exchange (0898-141-141 for details), the service provides
- spoken details of UK stock market prices. Membership is free and
- comes with a #10 multi-frequency keypad for controlling the
- service. The keypad's cost, incidentally, is refunded in the
- form of a voucher against British Telecom telephone bill.
- CAMBRIDGE COMPUTER's Z80-based Z88 laptop is to be marketed in
- the US. Sinclair Systems, a division of Diversified Foods Inc.,
- will market up to 13,000 of Sir Clive Sinclair's laptop over the
- coming months. Pricing is $549 for the Z88 and $110 per 128K
- cartridge.
- COMPUTERLAND UK (0908-664244) has announced the SUMMER LAN
- ROADSHOW. During late June/Early July, the company will tour
- five key UK sites giving demonstrations of Local Area Networks,
- including Novell and IBM's Token Ring Network.
- ELECTRIC SOFTWARE (0954-61258) has announced TIMEWORKS DESKTOP
- PUBLISHER PC for the IBM PC and close compatibles. Until 31 May,
- the package will sell for #99 and then for #129. The ST edition
- of the package is now available in English and German, with
- Danish, Dutch and Swedish versions following shortly.
- PC SUPERSTORE (0684-892428), the Tandata Holdings' mail order
- division, has been granted an IBM PS/2 dealership. The
- dealership could prove to be stiff competition for conventional
- IBM dealerships, given PC Superstore's aggressive pricing and
- service back-up.
- TELECOM GOLD, the UK's email brand leader, has opened a gateway
- into the British Telecom Travel Service (BTTS) database. The
- BTTS database also allows onward gateway access to the ABC
- service, which includes information on hotels and flight
- information around the world. Additional services, including
- theatre booking facilities, cross-channel ferry bookings and car
- hire information, are planned for later this year.